Mark Amaru Pinkham's newest book,
Sedona City of the Star
Here's a newly-released YouTube
Video with author Mark Amaru PInkham!
With stunning footage of Sedona's Red Rock
Country & Mark's
cutting-edge information about ancient Palatkwapi!
Sedona: City of the Star People
The book is full of
radically new information and discoveries about the ancient mysteries of Sedona uncovered
and experienced by Mark over a 27 year period that could
rewrite history, not only of Sedona, but for the world.
Topics covered in the Sedona: City of
the Star People
* The one million year history of
* In Hopi legend Sedona is Palatkwapi, the City of the Star People
* The red rock temples of Palatkwapi still exist physically in Sedona
* In one of Sedona's canyons is the ancient court of Masau'u, the Hopis' King of the World
* Sedona, Root Chakra of Earth
* The Sedona Grid and Chakra Points
* The Yezidis know Masau'u as their Peacock Angel and visit his court in Sedona
To order your
signed copy visit
Or mail a check for $25.00
(US and Canadian residents only
- residents of other countries use the link above),
made payable to "Heartlight Fellowship" to:
Mail to:
Mark Amaru Pinkham
P.O. Box 3591
Sedona, AZ 86340
Please include your snail mail and email address with your order.

Some Other BOOKS by
Mark Amaru Pinkham
Guardians of the
Holy Grail: The Knights Templar,
John the Baptist and the Water of Life
of the Holy Grail: The Knights Templar, John the Baptist, and the Water of Life presents a unique history of the Knights Templar and the
legendary Holy Grail that has never before been published. For nearly one thousand
years the Knights Templar have rightly been regarded the eternal guardians of the Holy
Grail, but what the Holy Grail actually is has
never been accurately revealed until now. Guardians of the Holy Grail proves
that the Holy Grail existed many thousands of years before Christ, and that it is as old
as the Garden of Eden itself.
During their one hundred years in the Middle East, the Templars
received the Holy Grail from a lineage of Holy Grail Guardians that had existed for many
thousands of years previously. This ancient Grail lineage, which included John
the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and Mary Magdalene and John the Apostle, had originated on Sri
Lanka, the island paradise recognized within the Arab world as the true location of
the fabled Garden of Eden.
World Gnosis
- The Coming Gnostic Civilization
Gnostic Templar Grand Prior Mark Amaru Pinkham presents the amazing
history and teachings of the Left Hand Path which includes the
worlds gnostics, alchemists, secret societies, and mystery school initiatesand
its continual battle with the patriarchal adherents of the Right Hand Path. Mark begins
with the Garden of Eden and the Gnostics First Instructor, the Serpent on the Tree,
and then traces the Left Hand Path down through the Sons and Daughters of Seth to the
Essenes, Sufis, Knights Templar, Cathars, Freemasons and the Illuminati, as plans for the
creation of a One-World Gnostic Civilization gradually unfold. The final piece of the plan
is destined to soon fall into place, when the Right and Left Hand Paths come to a peaceful
resolution of their ancient battle and work together to create a gnostic civilization that
is the union of both paths. The culmination of human civilization will then have arrived,
and all institutions and levels of society will encourage people throughout the Earth to
complete their spiritual evolution by achieving the goal of the gnostic mandate Know
For information
on Mark Amaru Pinkham's 6 books & and how to order them, visit
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